Latest Action.

June 13, 2024

In January and February of 2024 Down syndrome BC, in collaboration with Dr. Holden Chow of UBC and Fraser Health, conducted a survey focused on educational experiences of children with Down syndrome in British Columbia. The results of this survey will better inform our ongoing advocacy efforts. Please see our Education Survey Report and Education Survey Infographic.

Previous survey reports and infographics can be found here: Access to Support Survey Results, Diagnosis Survey Results

February 26, 2024

The BC Disability Collaborative, which includes Down syndrome BC, sent a letter to multiple Ministers regarding Budget 2024. Though Premier Eby stated in November 2022 that “every child in BC should have the supports they need to thrive,” Budget 2024 does not include promised “new investments,” nor does it address the enormous service delivery gaps that currently confront families of individuals with support needs. Please read the BC Disability Collaborative’s letter.

On April 30, 2024, the BCDC received a response from Minister Lore.

February 13, 2024

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the new Minister of Children and Family Development, the Honourable Grace Lore, to extend our congratulations, introduce DSBC and advocate for Individualized Funding for children with Down syndrome living in BC. Please read our letter.

January 18, 2024

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to school boards in BC to share a list of measurable goals that schools and school districts should implement to make education in BC accessible and inclusive for children with Down syndrome. As an example, please read our letter to Fraser-Cascade, SD78.

December 21, 2023

Down syndrome BC continues to engage with the Ministry of Children and Family Development regarding support for children with Down syndrome. In November we received a letter from Assistant Deputy Minister Emily Horton, informing us that “during this period of renewed engagement and evaluation, the ministry has paused substantive program and policy changes.” Please read our response.

November 15, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Education to share a list of measurable goals that schools and school districts should implement to make education in BC accessible and inclusive for children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

October 12, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development in response to their failure to expand interim access to support for children with Down syndrome living in BC. Please read our letter.

October 5, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to school boards in BC, to share educator resources regarding inclusive and effective education of learners with Down syndrome. As an example, please read our letter to the Southeast Kootenay School Board, SD5.

August 8, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development following our meeting regarding the lack of support for children with Down syndrome living in BC. While government continues to consult on the new CYSN framework, as an interim measure, we recommend all children with Down syndrome be immediately qualified for the At Home Program (AHP) and that the AHP Medical Benefits coverage of occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech-language pathology be extended to include children under the age of of 5. Please read our letter.

On September 26, 2023 we received a response. No interim action will be taken to provide support to children with Down syndrome.

June 19, 2023

Down syndrome BC wrote to candidates for the Langford-Juan de Fuca and Vancouver-Mount Pleasant provincial by-elections to ask their position on:

  1. Individualized Funding for Children with Down syndrome,

  2. Family Connection Centres as the proposed framework to provide services for disabled children, including those with Down syndrome.

The following candidates have responded:

  • Langford-Juan de Fuca:

  • Vancouver-Mount Pleasant:

Election Day for both by-elections is Saturday, June 24, 2023. We will update this list if further responses are received.

June 15, 2023

Down syndrome BC's President, Tamara Taggart, presented to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services on the BC Budget 2024 Consultation. We recommend each child who has a genetic diagnosis of Down syndrome receive individualized funding in the amount of $25,000 per year. Please listen to our presentation and the Q&A.

June 13, 2023

In October of 2022 Down syndrome BC, in collaboration with Dr. Holden Chow of UBC and Fraser Health, conducted a survey focused on the experiences of families receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome in British Columbia. The results of this survey will better inform our ongoing advocacy efforts. Please see the results of our survey.

June 13, 2023

The BC Disability Collaborative (BCDC), of which Down syndrome BC is a member, has received a grant from MCFD of $400,000 over two years to "support the administration, coordination, and facilitation of BCDC, and will allow the BCDC to pursue research and engagement opportunities". DSBC was not in favour of accepting this grant; however, we will remain a member of the BCDC to represent the interests of our members and the Down syndrome community. Please read the grant letter here.

May 18, 2023

Down syndrome BC responded to a letter from the Assistant Deputy Minister of Children and Family Development, Carolyn Kamper, dated April 13 2023, regarding our concerns about the lack of existing support for children and youth with Down syndrome and the unfulfilled promise of interim investments in Budget 2023. Please read our response.

April 17, 2023

The BC Disability Collaborative on CYSN, which includes Down syndrome BC, has issued a public statement on the 2023 Budget. Though Premier Eby stated in November 2022 that “every child in BC should have the supports they need to thrive,” Budget 2023 ensures that a substantial number of children, youth, and families remain completely unsupported, while others continue to be left without adequate support. Please read the collaborative statement.

Mar 31, 2023

In 2022 Down syndrome BC met with representatives from the Ministry of Education who advised us that parents or other concerned citizens could obtain from school districts an accounting of the $664.4M in supplemental funding they received in 2021-22 in connection with students with disabilities. Following that meeting, DSBC wrote to six school districts and received a range of responses, but none were able to provide answers to our core questions. Please read our follow up letter to the Minister of Education, which includes our communication with school districts.

March 14, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to Ministry of Children and Family Development staff following a meeting with them regarding the 2023 Budget. We are disappointed that the 2023 Budget has not fulfilled Premier Eby and Minister Dean’s promise of interim investments for children with disabilities that are currently underserved, including children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

January 19, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to Premier Eby and Minister Dean to protest the closure of Starbright Children’s Development Centre in Kelowna as part of the pilot hub roll out. Please read our letter.

January 16, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to BC’s Chief Coroner Lisa Lapoint to request a Coroners’ Inquest into the death of Florence Girard. Please read our letter.

January 13, 2023

The BC Disability Collaborative on CYSN, which includes Down syndrome BC, sent a letter to Premier Eby and Minister Dean to request a meeting to further the next steps required to co-create and co-develop a transformed service framework for all children and youth with disabilities and complex needs in British Columbia. Please read the collaborative letter.

January 12, 2023

Down syndrome BC sent a follow up letter to the Premier of BC, the Honourable David Eby, K.C., to once again request immediate action to make Individualized Funding available to children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

December 16, 2022

Down syndrome BC responded to a letter from MLA Karin Kirkpatrick, Official Opposition Shadow Critic for Housing and Childcare, asking that she hold the government, Premier Eby and Minister Dean accountable for their promise to make interim support available to children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

November 28, 2022

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Premier of BC, the Honourable David Eby, K.C., to request immediate action to make Individualized Funding available to children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

November 14, 2022

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development, the Honourable Mitzi Dean, to share the results from our recent Access to Support survey, which underscore the need for individualized funding for children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

We also sent a letter to the Minister of State for Child Care, the Honourable Katrina Chen, to share the results from our survey, which highlight a general lack of support for families and a disturbing pattern of children with Down syndrome being excluded from childcare on the basis of disability. Please read our letter.

October 27, 2022

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to Crown Counsel Jay Fogel urging him to appeal the sentence of Astrid Dahl. The lack of appropriate punishment in this case sends a message to the public and to possible future offenders that the life of a person who has Down syndrome is disposable. This is unacceptable. Please read our letter and Mr. Fogel’s response that a provisional appeal has been filed.

September 28, 2022

In April of 2022 Down syndrome BC, in collaboration with Dr. Holden Chow of UBC and Fraser Health, conducted a survey focused on Access to Support for Individuals with Down syndrome in British Columbia. The results of this survey will better inform ongoing education and advocacy efforts. Please see the results of our survey.

September 14, 2022

Down syndrome BC’s President, Tamara Taggart, participated in a press conference called by Union of BC Indian Chiefs, in which First Nations leaders, the Representative for Children and Youth, advocacy organizations, experts, and parents raised concerns regarding the MCFD’s sweeping funding and framework shifts for children and youth with disabilities in British Columbia. Please read the press release and watch the press conference replay.

June 30, 2022

On March 31, 2022 Down syndrome BC met with representatives from the Ministry of Education:

  • Minister of Education, the Honourable Jennifer Whiteside

  • Deputy Minister of Education, Christina Zacharuk

  • Executive Director, Equity, Wellness and Inclusion, Patricia Kovacs 

We sent a letter dated April 14, 2022 to confirm the details of that meeting.  On May 30, 2022 we received a response from Ms Kovacs, that set out very different information regarding what parents could do if their child is not receiving an inclusive education or adequate support services.  Our June 30th letter reflects our disappointment in the disparity between what was said to us during the meeting and the subsequent information provided.

June 27, 2022

Down syndrome BC sent a follow up letter to the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, the Honourable Nicholas Simons, regarding the need for immediate action to support aging individuals with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

June 22, 2022

Down syndrome BC made a written submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services regarding the Budget 2023 Consultation. Please read our recommendations.

June 10, 2022

Down syndrome BC responded to a letter from the Minister of Children and Family Development, the Honourable Mitzi Dean, dated May 3 2022, regarding support for children with Down syndrome and the planned Family Connections Centres. Please read our response.

February 8, 2022

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, the Honourable Nicholas Simons, regarding the need for more robust care and support options for adults with Down syndrome living in British Columbia. Please read our letter.

February 2, 2022

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development, the Honourable Mitzi Dean, regarding the need for individualized funding for the support of children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

December 3, 2021

Down syndrome BC, alongside 33 other BC-based organizations, signed an open letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development, the Honourable Mitzi Dean, regarding the proposed changes to the support system for children and youth with disabilities. Please read the collaborative letter.

November 26, 2021

Down syndrome BC sent letters to all Child Care Resource & Referral (CCRR) centres in BC to share information regarding making child care more inclusive to children with disabilities, including those with Down syndrome. As an example, please read our letter to Options Community Services Society, one of several CCRR centres serving the Fraser Valley.

November 2, 2021

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Children and Family Development, the Honourable Mitzi Dean, regarding funding for the support of children with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

November 1, 2021

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to each of the 60 school boards in BC, to share educator resources regarding inclusive and effective education of learners with Down syndrome. As an example, please read our letter to the Chilliwack School Board, SD33.

October 28, 2021

Down syndrome BC responded to the Ministry of Children and Family Development announcement “Improved system coming for children and youth with support needs.”  Please read our response.

October 25, 2021

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of State for Child Care, the Honourable Katrina Chen, regarding inclusive child care in British Columbia. Please read our letter.

On Nov 16, 2021 we received this response from the Minister of State for Child Care.

October 12, 2021

Down syndrome BC sent a letter to the Minister of Education, the Honourable Jennifer Whiteside, regarding inclusive education for learners with Down syndrome. Please read our letter.

September 23, 2021

Down syndrome BC made a written submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services regarding our input on the 2022 BC Budget Consultation. Please read our submission.