
We want to support the BC public school system to provide more inclusive education opportunities for learners with Down syndrome. Up-to-date research tells us that all students benefit from an inclusive education. Well supported recommendations and resources exist for the best learning outcomes for students with Down syndrome, linked below. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of which Canada is a signatory, recognizes "the right of persons with disabilities to education". The rights of students with disabilities to receive inclusive and effective education is well recognized by the BC Ministry of Education. Despite all of this, we are aware of many cases where students with Down syndrome, and other students with disabilities, are not being provided an education. This needs to change.

Educator Links.

Canadian Down Syndrome Society

CDSS Education Hub

Down Syndrome International

International Guidelines for the Education of Learners with Down syndrome

Down Syndrome Resource Foundation


DSRF’s Down Syndrome Academy
Self-paced multimedia courses on a variety of topics related to Down syndrome

Supporting Learners with Down Syndrome in Inclusive Classrooms
A course for teachers and education assistants
$200 - Module 1 available now, live classes start October 24 2023