Down Syndrome Society of British Columbia


The name of the Society is Down Syndrome Society of British Columbia

The purposes of the Society are:

  • to promote health by providing support to people with Down syndrome and their support groups, including the provision of information on existing funding, community support, therapy providers and other organizations offering services relevant to the Down syndrome community

  • to promote health by providing educational information to healthcare providers to improve communication with and medical treatment and support of patients with Down syndrome and their support groups

  • to advance education by providing support and information to educators to create more inclusive education opportunities for students with Down syndrome within all levels of public education

  • to promote health by organizing community group meetings to provide information and support, and to gather feedback on the effectiveness of, and improvements needed in, funding, education, healthcare, community living and other services

  • And, to undertake activities ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above charitable purposes.